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Tiffany Briggs

Tiffany Briggs 

I first came across pilates when I was dancing.  It became a great strength and conditioning for me and helped prevent injuries in my body.  When I really fell in love with Pilates was when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was experiencing horrible hip pain and back pain, as well as sciatica.  I saw and felt how it completely helped my body stay pain free as well as helped me get my body and my pelvic floor and core back after my pregnancy.  Thats where my love for pre and post natal pilates started.  I decided in 2008 to get my certification for Pilates and thats where my passion for the practice took off!! Still felt that there was something missing so in 2010 I then decided to get my certification in Pre and Post natal Pilates.  I really wanted to help soon to be and new mamas feel good not only during their pregnancy but after as well as prevent and help treat diastasis.  I then became obsessed with rehabilitation.  A ton of my clients had all sorts of injuries and I wanted to be able to help them.  So I did a Post rehab certification course.  I wanted to help people who had injuries or had surgeries and wanted or needed a place to go after physical therapy to help them bridge the gap between P.T. and everyday exercise regimen to help them have more confidence and become even stronger.  I started to work in a rehab facility and became exposed to strength training and decided to get certified in TRX, Strength training, Barre as well as Yoga.  I wanted to have a wide arrange of knowledge under my belt so I felt confident in knowing every aspect of the body anatomically as well as have a wide range of forms of exercise so I can help people from all walks of life really feel and get to know the benefits of Pilates and fall in love with it as much as I did.  


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